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November 17th 2021

Public Statement on Trans Day of Remembrance (TDoR) 2021

Saturday, November 20, 2021 is the 22nd annual Trans Day of Remembrance (TDoR). Once again, we find ourselves commemorating the lives of far too many 2-Spirit, trans, and non-binary community members lost to transphobia, violence, hate crimes, depression, overdose, and COVID-19 – in our communities, our neighbourhoods, our cities, nations, and across the world.

The 519’s theme for TDoR 2021 is A Circle for Healing and Regenerating. It speaks to the need to recognize the pervasive impacts of colonization and significant inequities faced by 2 Spirit, Black, Indigenous, and racialized trans communities. It is these very communities that put in the hard work of transforming our world every day, offering healing and leadership. Going forward, we must all take our place in the circle of healing and regeneration, where we draw strength from one another and take on the uncertainties of the future.

2021 has been a particularly overwhelming and difficult year due to the many losses we have experienced. We have seen a global increase in violence against trans communities, especially racialized trans women, with 2021 being one of the worst years on record. We also know that statistics and information on trans communities continues to go grossly underreported. We see our communities deeply impacted by social isolation, loss of community, and loss of access to affirming health care. This past year, we also continued to hear of the violence experienced in non-affirming households and shelter systems compounded by deteriorating community mental health, increased overdose, and the pandemic’s many challenging tendrils.

Our world continues to be deeply impacted by COVID-19, yet it is those who are already struggling to survive in a world structured to push them out of existence that continue to bear the weight of these painful times. We are inspired by the grassroots leadership and mutual aid that has seen our communities come together, build connections, and face violence to fight for a just and safer world.

The 519 will host a virtual event to honour our 2 Spirit, trans, and non-binary siblings who have passed away. Join us on Saturday, November 20, 2021, 4pm onwards. The event will feature the Circle of Cedar Singers, and a moment of silence, followed by speakers and community performances. All are welcome to attend virtually.

Our collective strength continues to rest in our ability to lead, to connect with each other, and to commit to caring for one another as a core component of our community fabric – we see no cause more deserving of our energies.

Register to attend The 519 TDoR 2021 Vigil and Event

Media contact:

Dean Lobo, Communications Coordinator

Note: In keeping with COVID-19 protocols, our spokespersons will only be available for comment over the phone, video (Zoom, Skype, Teams, etc.), or provide written correspondence. In the interest of public and community health and safety, no spokesperson will be available onsite. Media may, however, drop by to capture footage of the building and TDoR-special installations in the space. Thanks for your support and understanding.

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Up Next:

The 519 Black Collective – Black History Month 2022: ‘Black Health & Wellness’