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November 16th 2022


September 2024

Inclusive schools for every student

The 519 Board of Management Candidates 2024/25 

August 2024

Notice of The 519 Annual General Meeting 2024

July 2024

Call for Nominations – The 519 Annual General Meeting 2024

June 2024

MEDIA ADVISORY: Communities to honour Torontonians lost to AIDS at the 40th AIDS Candlelight Vigil on June 25

Green Space Festival 2024: Accessibility

Neighbourhood Information: Green Space Festival 2024

May 2024

The 519 Pride Events Calendar 2024

April 2024

MEDIA ADVISORY: The 519 joins Rainbow Week of Action to march for LGBTQ+ refugee rights

November 2023

TDoR 2023: Statement from 2Spirit, trans, and non-binary youth / Déclaration des jeunes bispirituels, trans et non-binaires

September 2023

The 519 Board of Management Candidates 2023/24

July 2023

Notice of Annual General Meeting 2023

Call for Nominations – The 519 Annual General Meeting 2023

May 2023

[Media Advisory] The 519 Presents 'Enough is Enough!' a panel discussion addressing anti-2SLGBTQ+ hate

Pride 2023 at The 519: Upcoming Programs and Events

Green Space Festival 2023: Neighbourhood Information

[Media Advisory] Toronto’s queer and trans communities to protest against anti-2SLGBTQ+ hate on International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia (IDAHOBT)

March 2023

Trans Day of Visibility: How can we commit to being visible allies?

[Press Release] The 519 to Honour Esteemed Author John Irving with Ally Award

International Women's Day 2023: Women, Life, Freedom

February 2023

Re: Sentencing of Colin Harnack in murder of Julie Berman

Public Statement on Trans Day of Remembrance (TDoR) 2022

Sunday, November 20, 2022 is the 23rd annual Trans Day of Remembrance (TDoR).

We find ourselves once again gathering to commemorate the lives of far too many 2-Spirit, trans, and non-binary community members lost to transphobia, violence, hate crimes, depression, overdose, and COVID-19. These losses and impacts are felt deeply in our communities, our neighbourhoods, our cities, nations, and across the world. For us, this day is as personal as it is global.

This year has been challenging in more ways than one. While we continue to navigate the uncertainties of the pandemic, Monkeypox, global inflation, and climate change, 2 Spirit, trans, and non-binary communities are among the most marginalized populations, finding themselves falling through the cracks of health and social services. The ongoing experiences of very real and lasting impacts of colonization, systemic and institutional violence, discrimination, racism, sexism, xenophobia, and transphobia continue to have devasting impacts. These realities are multiplied by the many barriers faced to accessing affirming and affordable housing, healthcare, nutritious and consistent food, affirming education, and employment. 

We continue to witness many losses within our communities globally. Between October 1, 2021 and September 30, 2022, there have been 389 reports of deaths within trans communities across the world. These say nothing of the many cases that go unreported. Across the border in the United States, the murders of trans people has nearly doubled over the past four years, with Black trans women being the most at risk. Bigoted and transphobic legislations are attacking the rights and safety of trans and gender-diverse youth. While without the statistics, an issue in and of itself, we know these trends are similar to those experienced in our own local communities. While some of these instances are reported by the media, many of them are not. As we are confronted by these sweeping policy impacts devastating communities, The 519 affirms that trans rights are human rights. We see you. You are loved. 

Despite its challenges, this has also been a year of resisting and rising. We have, and continue to witness more authentic and affirming trans representation in the media. The world over, protests and movements for change continue to be led by 2 Spirit, trans, and non-binary activists and leaders. We are truly inspired by this leadership that has seen our communities come together, build connections, and face violence to fight for a just and safer world.

The 519’s theme for TDoR 2022 is Fuelling the Fire of Solidarity. Trans communities have always been here and we find strength in our diverse roots, our lived experiences, and the intersecting identities that impact our day-to-day lives. Fuelled by the burning desire for change, justice, safety, and equity, we unite as a global community in solidarity. This work is for us all to take up. Join us in solidarity and action – not just today, every day. Give us roses while we’re still here.  

2 Spirit Lives Matter. Trans Lives Matter. Non-Binary Lives Matter.

TDoR at The 519 :  

The 519 remains committed to supporting our communities around this important annual event, and this year is no different. We are returning to a more robust in-person community gathering, and will be offering a hybrid event for folks who would like to join the event virtually via live stream. A large outdoor event tent with heaters and seating will be set up to ensure that folks are comfortable throughout. 

Join us: 

  • Sunday, November 20, 2022  
  • 2 to 4pm  (Toronto local time)
  • At Barbara Hall Park [519 Church St.]  

Folks are recommended to RSVP to attend in person and will need to register to receive the Zoom link to attend virtually.  

The afternoon will include a candlelight vigil to honour lost 2 Spirit, trans, and non-binary community members, a celebration of trans existence and resilience through virtual and live performances, keynote speeches, takeaway meals, and more. All are welcome to attend.    

Note to the Media: 

TDoR is a opportunity to speak to issues impacting 2 spirit, trans, and non-binary communities as well as advocate for their needs and rights. We welcome media requests and will do our best to support you with your asks.

Spokespersons will be available for comment pre-event from November 17-19 for onsite or virtual interviews including but not restricted to telephone, video, radio/podcast interviews.  On TDoR (November 20), spokespersons will be available onsite for comment from 1 to 2 pm and 4 to 5pm only.   

The media is also invited to observe and partake in the event onsite while keeping in mind the following:

  • Please do not record the sacred file that will be present onsite on any recording device.
  • Though the event is taking place in a public space, you are requested to be mindful of community safety concerns, and respect people’s wishes to not be recorded on camera (for b-roll and otherwise). 

Media contact:
Dean Lobo, Communications Coordinator (he/him)

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Up Next:

In Solidarity with Club Q