February is Black History Month, and this year’s global theme is Black Resistance.
Black queer and trans histories have shown us that if we do not resist, we die. We have challenged systemic discrimination and dehumanization, police violence, and racial profiling. We have demanded the dignity, respect, and self-determination we deserve, picking ourselves and each other up when met with hatred and cruelty. And yet, there is still so far to go as we continue to face erasure in our leadership, tokenism in our air time, and violence in navigating our day-to-day movements.
Black people continue to experience barriers to employment, opportunity, health, food access, safety, and other essential resources. Black men continue to be targeted by the police. Black trans women continue to experience increasing violence. Black people continue to die.
This needs to change. And we realize there is no change without resistance.
Black queer love is resistance.
Black healing is resistance.
Black joy is resistance.
Black Lives Matter is resistance.
Black 2SLGBTQ+ existence is our resistance.
Black history is every day, Black futures are built every day. This work is also yours to take up – within your families, workplaces, communities, and more importantly within yourself. Commit to unlearning biases and actively address racism, internalized and otherwise.
Dream with us about a future free of anti-Blackness and homophobia, biphobia, and transphobia. It’s up to each of us to ensure that this work never stops.