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May 6th 2016


September 2024

Inclusive schools for every student

The 519 Board of Management Candidates 2024/25 

August 2024

Notice of The 519 Annual General Meeting 2024

July 2024

Call for Nominations – The 519 Annual General Meeting 2024

June 2024

MEDIA ADVISORY: Communities to honour Torontonians lost to AIDS at the 40th AIDS Candlelight Vigil on June 25

Green Space Festival 2024: Accessibility

Neighbourhood Information: Green Space Festival 2024

May 2024

The 519 Pride Events Calendar 2024

April 2024

MEDIA ADVISORY: The 519 joins Rainbow Week of Action to march for LGBTQ+ refugee rights

November 2023

TDoR 2023: Statement from 2Spirit, trans, and non-binary youth / Déclaration des jeunes bispirituels, trans et non-binaires

September 2023

The 519 Board of Management Candidates 2023/24

July 2023

Notice of Annual General Meeting 2023

Call for Nominations – The 519 Annual General Meeting 2023

May 2023

[Media Advisory] The 519 Presents 'Enough is Enough!' a panel discussion addressing anti-2SLGBTQ+ hate

Pride 2023 at The 519: Upcoming Programs and Events

Green Space Festival 2023: Neighbourhood Information

[Media Advisory] Toronto’s queer and trans communities to protest against anti-2SLGBTQ+ hate on International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia (IDAHOBT)

March 2023

Trans Day of Visibility: How can we commit to being visible allies?

[Press Release] The 519 to Honour Esteemed Author John Irving with Ally Award

International Women's Day 2023: Women, Life, Freedom

February 2023

Re: Sentencing of Colin Harnack in murder of Julie Berman

More Moss Park

Share your ideas and help shape a vision for recreational facilities and public space in Moss Park

How do you use the John Innes Community Centre, the Moss Park Arena and the public areas around them? How would you like to use them? What would you be most excited to see in a new plan for Moss Park?

Join the City and The 519 in a public conversation on the possible redevelopment of John Innes Community Centre, Moss Park Arena and the park space around them. New facilities would be designed to meet the needs of local residents and people who use Moss Park.

We know that the existing facilities and programs are important to people who use them. The consultation will help ensure current uses, programs and services are preserved and at the same time develop shared community priorities for new programs, expanded facilities, partnerships and public spaces that help respond to neighbourhood and community needs.

Community space should be accessible and meet the needs and aspirations of the community now and in the future. We will be discussing how expanded community and park space can be designed to better meet the needs of local residents and people who use Moss Park in years to come.

We believe that community and recreation centres play a vital role in helping support and build vibrant equitable communities for all. Help shape the proposed design of new Moss Park facilities by participating in this shared conversation, now through Sept. 30.

How can you contribute?

Communities including those who are marginalized have the best ideas about what’s important to them. As a city agency dedicated to the health, happiness and full participation of the LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Queer) community, The 519 works to create accessible, equitable spaces for all.

From May to September we will be hosting a series of community meetings, focus groups, surveys, site tours and walkabouts to learn from residents and shape plans for site design and community program priorities.

This conversation is open to everyone. Stay tuned for more information about opportunities to take part.

When communities come together to talk about shared priorities and discuss how we can shape the future together — and what’s important to preserve — we make our neighbourhoods better for all.

When is the first public event?

Our first public roundtable is on May 31 at John Innes Community Centre. We hope to see you there to learn more about the consultation process and how you can get involved and stay connected throughout the process.

How will your advice be used?

Over the course of the summer, advice from the community will be recorded, summarized and shared through website postings and meeting presentations and circulated to all those who wish to stay in touch. A final report summarizing the consultation and the results will be made public and presented to a committee of City Council by the end of 2016. If the redevelopment is approved, local residents and people who use Moss Park will have more opportunities to shape plans for programming and activities. 

For more information or to share your feedback, contact us.
Phone: 416-355-6777


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Up Next:

Green Space Festival Announces Full Lineup for 2016 Toronto Pride Weekend