Interested in learning about family planning?

Join multidisciplinary professionals in a panel discussion about 2SLGBTQ+ family planning and information sharing.


  • Panel
  • Dinner and refreshments


Thursday, February 6, 2025

6:00 to 8:30PM

The 519 [519 Church St]

Free, Drop-In.


Questions? Email

Hosted by:


Michelle Flowerday (she/her), LL.B., is the owner of Flowerday Fertility Law, located in Toronto, Ontario, and the Founder & CEO of Plaid Fertility Law, the first ever web application designed to streamline the creation of and collaboration on surrogacy and donation agreements. She is a passionate advocate for and works closely with the 2SLGBTQIA+, infertility, and single status communities. Michelle is an Officer of the Board of Fertility Friends Foundation and a contributing member of several Ontario fertility clinic ethics committees. Michelle resides in Toronto with her spouse and three teenagers.

With an educational background in child and youth care, Katie Gibson pronouns (she/her) has held the position of Adoption Worker at Children’s Aid Society of Toronto for the past 14 years. Prior to moving to taking on this role, she worked with foster families and in kinship care.

Katie’s favourite part of working in adoption is connecting children and youth in need of permanency with their forever families and witnessing them thrive. Katie is always seeking to educate and engage families who have unique intersecting identities that reflect the children and youth in need of caregivers.

Catherine Snoddon, she/her is an Adoption Worker/Post Adoption Worker at the Children’s Aid Society of Toronto. Applying her education and experience in both communications and social work, she enjoys working with families across their adoption journeys including birth/first parents, children, young people seeking permanency and those who have built their family through adoption.

Catherine also brings experience working as an Intake Worker, and within the Violence Against Women and mental health sector.